Mock Exams

Preparing for an international language proficiency exam can feel daunting, but fear not! At the European Institute Of International Languages (EIIL) in Yerevan, we offer you a great solution: mock exams

A mock exam is a practice test designed to simulate the format, structure, and conditions of a real exam. It helps candidates prepare for high-stakes tests, such as international language proficiency exams like IELTS, TOEFL, or other standardized tests. 

Here is why taking a mock exam before an international one can be beneficial:

Familiarity with Exam Format 

Mock exams replicate the structure and layout of the real test, giving candidates a clear understanding of what to expect. This familiarity can reduce anxiety and increase confidence.

Time Management Practice

Taking a mock exam allows candidates to practice managing their time across different sections. This is crucial because poor time management is a common reason for underperformance in exams.

Assessment of Knowledge and Skills

A mock exam provides a realistic measure of a candidates’ current proficiency level. It can help identify strengths and weaknesses, allowing for more focused study and preparation.

Experience with Exam Conditions

Mock exams simulate test-taking conditions, including time constraints, question formats, and the need to remain focused for extended periods. This experience can be invaluable in preparing for the real exam.

Feedback and Improvement

After completing a mock exam, candidates often receive feedback on their performance. This feedback highlights areas for improvement and helps guide further study. It also allows candidates to learn from mistakes without any risk to their actual exam score.

Building Confidence

Practicing with a mock exam can boost a candidates’ confidence. It allows them to get used to the pressure of test-taking and reduces uncertainty about the process.

Developing Exam Strategies

Through mock exams, candidates can experiment with different test-taking strategies, such as which questions to tackle first or how to pace themselves. This practice helps develop a personalized approach for the real exam.

Reducing Exam Anxiety

The stress and anxiety associated with taking important exams can impact performance. Mock exams can help reduce this anxiety by providing a trial run, allowing candidates to become more comfortable with the exam environment.

But that’s not all! At EIIL, we offer exam preparation courses for all languages and levels, ensuring you’re fully equipped for success.

Mock Exam Pricing:

EIIL StudentsExternal Candidates
10000 AMD15000 AMD

Prepare with confidence at EIIL Yerevan, where mock exams pave the way for success in your international language journey.


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