Become an Au-Pair Student

The concept of the au pair, derived from the French expression “aux pairs”, meaning “on equal terms”, originated in Europe in the 1950s, when young people from different countries began traveling abroad to work as live-in childcare providers for families. 

This program exists in many countries around the world, and thousands of young people participate in these programs every year to travel and live in different countries.

One of the most famous destinations of Au Pairs today is Germany due to its tranquility, order, green spaces, and high quality of life. It is a country that represents a mix of innovation, history and culture and gives you the opportunity to experience a multicultural society, to discover towns and landscapes as well as learn German.

Au Pair in Germany: salary, working hours, holidays, etc.

Are you fascinated with German culture, historic places and medieval towns? You love taking care of children and would like to live abroad in a German host family? Then let’s discuss some details of doing Au Pair in Germany. 

Working hours

Au Pairs in Germany work 30 hours per week (including babysitting) with a maximum of 6 hours daily.

Please note that Au Pairs from countries outside the European Union (EU) are not allowed to have other jobs during their stay in Germany.


Au Pair should receive €280 per month as pocket money. Host Families must also contribute to the payment of a language course for a total of €600. Families can choose to pay this amount to the Au Pair monthly (€50 per month for the whole duration of the program) or all at once. In some cases this will cover the full cost, but in some cases the Au Pair will have to pay the rest.

Time off and holidays

In Germany, Au Pairs will have at least one free day per week and 4 free evenings. In addition, at least one Sunday per month must also be free.

German regulations establish that Au Pairs in a one-year stay will have four weeks of holidays. If the stay is shorter, they will have two days in a working month.

Language course

Au Pairs in Germany have the opportunity to attend language courses to improve their knowledge of the German language. Host families pay 50 euros per course. If 50 euros is not enough to cover the costs, the Au Pair must pay the rest of the fee.

What else?

The Au Pair must register with the Foreign Office (Ausländerbehörde) as soon as possible upon arrival in Germany.

What services will EIIL provide you with?

  • Registration of a full package of documents
  • Participation in language courses (4 months)
  • Process of obtaining the A2 level (ECL) certificate of the international exam.

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