ECL German Language Exam

We are pleased to inform you that from now on you can take the ECL examination at the European Institute of International Languages.

ECL exam has an international status, which is accredited by the ALTE system.

With ECL Certificate you can apply for:

  • Family reunion
  • Education
  • Working permit visa

Here you can check out the ECL exam information at the German Embassy in Armenia.

To keep track of exam dates, visit the webpage. You can also find the table below.

Exam TermExam languages (German)Dates of reading, writing and listening examsOral examination periodApplication deadlineExam resultsCertificates are mailed to the exam centers
FebruaryLevels BI*, B2,CILevels B1, C1 – 2nd February Level B2 – 3rd February2-17 February8th January
4th March1-5 April
AprilLevels A2, B1, B2, CILevels A2. BI. CI – 5th April
Level B2 – 6th April
5-20 April7th March6th May3-7 June
JuneLevels B1, B2, CILevels A2, B1, CI – 7th June Level B2 – 8th June7-22 June9th May8th July5-9 August
August*Levels B1, B2Level B1 – 6th August
Level B2 – 7th August
6-21 August8th July3rd
7-11 October
SeptemberLevels B1*, B2, CILevel B1, C1 – 27th September Level B2 – 28th September27 September –
12 October
29th August28th October25-29 November
NovemberLevels A2, B1, B2, C1Levels A2. BI, CI-22nd November Level B2 – 23rd November22 November –
7 December

31st October

23rd December

20-24 January
Exam dates 2023

If you have any questions about the exam, please find them below. In case the answer to your question is not listed below, feel free to contact us!

At what age can I take an exam?

According to the Hungarian accreditation regulations, individuals turning 14 in the year of application can register for the ECL language exam.

How may I apply for the exam? 

The applicant must come to the ECL center and complete the application form. The exam fee must be paid at the examination center. 

At what levels may I take an ECL language exam?

The ECL language exam is a qualifying exam corresponding to the levels of the Common European Framework. The exam can be taken at the following levels: A2 (beginner), B1 (elementary), B2 (intermediate) and C1 (advanced). German and Hungarian have four accredited levels in Hungary, while English has levels B1, B2 and C1 accredited.

When can I take a language exam?

Exam dates for written skills (reading and listening comprehension and written communication) can be found under Exam Dates. The day of the oral exam may be different.

If I missed the application deadline, is there a chance for late registration?

It is possible after paying a late fee.

What is the procedure of taking the language exam?

The written parts of the exam (reading comprehension, written communication and listening comprehension) begin at the same time at all exam sites on the day specified by the Examination Centre. For complex exams, the exam starts with the written parts (reading comprehension and written communication), and the listening session takes place after a break. The oral exam may be held within two weeks after the written parts for each exam period and is conducted according to the schedule set by the examination site.

How is the oral exam conducted?

  • Based on the photo IDs, the examiners verify the identity of the candidates.
  • At the beginning of the exam, the examiner briefly informs the candidates about the exam procedures. The whole exam is recorded. Before the recording is started, the candidates decide who is going to pick a numbered card (a particular speaking task,) from the table.
  • When the recording begins the candidates say their names and candidate numbers.

Parts of the exam:

  1. Warm-up,
  2. Guided conversation (dialogue between the two candidates)
  3. Individual talk (monologue on the basis of a picture montage)

What topics are on the language exam?

For information on the topics expected to be found on the ECL language exam, please see: Topics .

What support materials are available?

In the Support Materials and Test Books sections, you can find books that can be ordered online. These materials serve as a guide for anyone preparing for the language exam.

Are ECL speaking questions repeated?

During the ECL speaking test, a question may come up that you do not understand. In this case, you can ask the examiner to repeat the question or explain the word. Please note, while it’s ok to ask for some clarification or explanation, you cannot ask for it over and over again during the exam.

What is a paired exam?

During the ECL language exam, candidates take their oral exam in pairs. During the guided conversation, they discuss a randomly selected topic. For a one-to-one conversation, they need to talk individually on the basis of the picture montage.

Who can be your pair?

On their application form, candidates have the opportunity to select partners for the oral communication exam. If they don’t name anyone, an oral exam partner will be randomly assigned.

What is a partial exam certificate?

If the candidate applies to take a complex exam but manages to pass only one part of it (written exam – reading comprehension and written communication, or oral exam – listening comprehension and oral communication), he/she receives a certificate confirming that they successfully passed a partial exam. The other part of the exam can be completed at any time. The two partial certificates make up a complex language exam certificate.

Exam fees are as follows:

Examination feesModule price
ECL Zertifikat A2€ 210€ 120
ECL Zertifikat B1€ 230€ 130
ECL Zertifikat B2€ 245€ 140

The upcoming ECL exam will take place in June.

We wish you best of luck at the exam! 

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